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June 19th - 2025 in St. Stefan ob Leoben/ Styria 

in transformative times
with John P. Milton


June 19th -24th 2025

Schafferalm / St. Stefan ob Leoben/
Styria/ Austria 

This retreat is open to everyone seeking a deeper connection with nature and themselves. It welcomes both those familiar with John P. Milton’s Way of Nature, who wish to deepen their practice, and newcomers ready to explore this transformative work for the first time.
No prior experience is required—only an openness to silence, nature, and inner reflection
(group of max 15 people)


Way of Nature Essentials Retreat with John P Milton 2025:

Immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of nature and experience a week of transformation and inner clarity. This retreat offers a unique opportunity to learn directly from John P. Milton, the founder of the Way of Nature, supported by Walter Bertolini as you will be guided along this mindful and natural path of Inner Wisdom and Connection, which are becoming core capacities to practice in the transformative times we are living in. 
Retreat Highlights:
  • The 12 Guiding Principles of Natural Liberation: Practical and deeply transformative teachings to foster balance and freedom in your life.

  • The importance of Presence and The Power of Intent in transformative times

  • 2-day/2-night solo time in nature: An invitation to experience silence and introspection in the enchanting mountain wilderness of Styria/ Austria.

  • Daily practices: Meditation, refining your Senses, gentle movement, Presencing and Relaxation practices and evocing the power of intent, embedded in mindful nature experiences.

  • Teachings and dialogues: Inspiring teachings and discussions with wisdom keeper John P. Milton on the connection between humans, nature, and consciousness and the Essentials of the Way of Nature process. 

For Returning Participants:

This retreat offers an extraordinary opportunity for those already familiar with John P. Milton and his teachings to deepen their practice. Explore advanced insights into the 12 Guiding Principles of Natural Liberation and the recent teaching for this time, engage in enriched dialogue on personal and planetary transformation, and take on new challenges during the solo time, designed to push the boundaries of your spiritual journey.

with John P Milton and Walter Bertolini

About the Retreat

„Through deep presence, intention arises naturally, aligning our actions with the flow of life and the wisdom of nature.“  John P Milton

In this retreat John introduces his latest teachings, which include essential aspects of his ’12 guiding principles of Natural Liberation’ and provides specific practices to help you awaken your inherent connection to Nature and interconnection to all life. By cultivating this level of awareness you can open up to a deeper

sense of connection with your Self and life itself. As an essential part of the program we will spend conscious Solo Time in Nature to access our 3 Natures (Inner-Outer - True Nature) as John calls it. Upon reentry from your AllOne time solo immersions (16-18 hours), you will be guided through a specific 'Way of Nature '

reintegration process.

Our intentions

based on John's many decades of profound experience and research and our own extensive experience as longterm practitioners, coaches and guides over many years, we will provide you with helpful tools (i.e. work on mindset, intentions, contemplation, counseling etc.) in order to support you individually and collectively throughout your deep transformation.  we encourage reflection and maintain an secure environment for your learning and growth, which will allow you to connect fully with your 3 ‘Natures’ (inner, outer, true)’.... And, honoring the traditions we draw on and the wonder of nature, we hope each of us leaves the retreat with a joyful heart, firm clarity and a clearer intention to act in new ways.​​



Private: € 900,--  including 20% VAT,

Corporate: € 1.250,-- plus 20% VAT 

For self-payers, a discount may be available upon request.

This price includes training/retreat expenses. The accomodation (in 2 or 3 bedrooms) and meals in the Schafferalm are seperate and will be approx. € 330,- (incl. 10 % VAT). Overnight stay in tent is possible on request (reduced price) 

Limited Participation (12-15 people)

Please  register below  or   SEND US AN E-MAIL  (


 Teacher and Guide


JOHN P MILTON is a pioneering ecologist, meditation master, vision quest leader and spiritual teacher. Since the 1950′s, John has guided many people into the wilderness, sharing with them a profound connection with Nature and a deep commitment to the realization of Source Awareness.

His teachings draw upon many decades of practice in various styles of meditation: T’ai Chi, Qiqong, and extensive personal vision questing. His training is also inspired by direct teachings from many of the world’s outstanding spiritual teachers and lineages. Based upon this comprehensive background, John has created and essentialized a path of key principles and disciplines. He calls this path “The Way of Nature.” 


Walter Aug 24.jpeg

WALTER BERTOLINI has been working many years as a systemic Organizational Consultant  and Leadership Coach, founding partner of werk4 and the inspirational Leadership Project Essenz der Führung. He has reconnected with the power of being in & one with wild nature years ago, which brought him to found Way of Nature Austria (  as part of Way of Nature International. His transformational work incorporates powerful systemic approaches and is at the same time nurtured & deeply inspired by core practices of ancient wisdom traditions as well as contemporary awareness practices.  
Walter, originally from Western Austria, currently lives in Niederösterreich close to Vienna and is working internationally.


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